Pilotlog Page 20

Somewhere in England, early 1940's

JG300x_Hero's Pilotlog entry:

It was Christmas and squadrons on both sides of the channel were drinking (even more than normal) between sorties and their thoughts turned wistfully to their homes and their families. In a moment of high spirits, Spectre thought he’d fly across the channel and beat up the airfield of JG300x (it’s a weakness of his). He knows the
pilots of the squadron well, having encountered the Focke Wolf 190’s with red fuselage bands earlier in the year.

Spectre flew low over the airfield, dropped his landing gear, waggled his wings and changed the mixture settings on his Spit to simulate “engine trouble” and a forced landing. The airman of JG300 sized up the situation, held their fire and awaited the arrival of the Spit and the chance to capture and fly the kite before the powers that be
inevitably spirited it away for evaluation trials.

Spectre lurched and side-slipped drunkenly toward the grass field in a sickening see saw approach which seemed certain to dash the undercarriage clear through the airframe. In a feat of airmanship and bravado, Spectre bounced his way down the strip. He then taxied to the dispersal hut, ran up his engine (to deafen all present) and
swung the aircraft around on sixpence to face the grass run way again. With the engine ticking over in course pitch, Spectre’s brilliantine head popped out of the retracted canopy and he placed a tatty looking Santa’s cap in the place his flying cap should have been.

The whole of JG300x stood dumbfounded, looking from the rakish lines of the Spit to the allied “Flieger” in the silly hat. No one moved but grins, guffaws, some elbowing and spilled steins of beer were sufficient welcome for the gregarious nature of Spectre. He stepped out onto the wing of his machine and dozens of JG300x staff fell
about laughing and holding their sides as the “portly” :) pilot stood in his seat to reveal a Santa suit that had seen a few too many Rotarian kiddies toy drives. It had ice cream stains and cigarette burns in most places that the matted beard didn’t cover. The beard itself and the stains therein truly beggared description but the dark red
stains around the mouth were clearly the result of the “chewing-baccy” that Spectre let fly in a juicy stream as he stepped down onto the grass. Once on the ground, Spectre promptly grabbed a stein of German beer from an incredulous hand and launched into a bawdy version of: “ We wish you a Hairy Christmas (and a Sodden
New Year)".

Now German air crew like a joke as much as the next (despite reputations to the contrary) and soon there where schnapps chasers and black bread to be had along with the Cuban cigars Spectre handed round to all present.

It seems that a combination of Christmas spirit, chivalry and barracks-room German (spoken with a distinctive American drawl) were sufficient to overcome the notion of formal hostilities and a “Good ol’ down home shin-dig” ensued once Spectre got enough jabbering Germans out of his cockpit, off the wings and away from every
inspection hatch and engine cowling of his machine, so that it could be pushed (none too stylishly) into a nearby hangar.

It seems that the Christmas spirit got the better of Spectre (or perhaps the Christmas Schnapps) and in a cloud of cigar smoke and beery breath, the American flieger challenged any German airman to out fly him with only range paint ammo and gun camera footage to decide the outcome of the contest.

A neatly dressed German pilot by the name of Hero Von-Stienenguzzler (Hero for short) snapped to attention and clicked his heels in the Prussian fashion and issued instructions to his ground crew.

“Mine Herr, I will have my personal aircraft placed at your disposal. Our armourers will load zee range ammunitionz into two aircraft immediately and following zee engagement, der gunnen kamera will be used to assess the merit in your combat teknique. May zer best Flieger win ja?"

Spectre pulled his crusty beard aside, wiped his mouth on his Santa suit sleeve (momentarily exposing his rank braid underneath) before smiling and drawling:

“Why sure son, I’ll be glad to borrow one of these boom and zoom machines of yours. Right neighbourly of you to do the fixin’ of the gun camera’s and all too, I’d say.”

Hero turned and smiled urbanely “Ve should agree a zerrten uzzer condittionz also ja? You may smoke your Cuban cigars in mine aircraft. However, you are honour bound to refrain from using chewing tobacco”.

“Agreed” replied Spectre, as he planted a well-used cigar in the corner of the “biggest, grinnin’est down-home Ya’ll come back now y’ hear” smile, that any wartime Axis pilot would ever see and live to report.

“Alzo, paint ammunitionz splatter on ze kannopy vill count is “flieger wounded”, while using zer vinscreenen viper shall count as “piloten killed” ja?”

“Weeee-yell Hero, that all sounds mite ‘fisticated for a down home boy like old Santa here, but I’ll go hitch a nose bag on them thar Reindeer ‘afore we get started. An’ once we git on up there, don’t you worry none ‘bout me havin’ ta find where the wipers is on these here kites a yours ya hear” said Spectre.

“Bee-sides” he said (in his beard), I’ll be wipin’ tha inside ‘o that there purdy canopy when I miss ma spittoon anyways :)”.

The first rounds of wheeling and turning saw Spectre take Hero’s 6 and splatter the
squad’s recently supplied aircraft with garish red splotches. Von Steinen-guzzler
signaled a salute and the aircraft disengaged for a second “friendly” round.

This time, Hero scored a paint blast on Spectre/Santa’s windscreen during the merge
and green splotches covered his canopy and his reindeer insignia too.

Spectre radioed a need to report into a neighbouring base and a short flight over the cliffs of Dover saw the pair land in the field at the rear of an Allied base, where the paint splattered machines were swapped for a re-armed pair of spit IVX’s. Hero marveled at the raw power of the unfamiliar machine and promptly stalled and spun…
presenting a pretty target to Spectre who re-decorated the side of one of His Majesty’s finest pieces of war materiel.

The temperamental weather over the Channel played havoc with visibility and communications so, a brief return to base and a bucket or two of rum-laced eggnog later, saw the pair take off for a few turn flights in a pair of older Spit IA’s. Hero got painted good and proper during the next 2 rounds, but the tight turning fights also saw Spectre’s sleigh all covered in Hero’s green splotches. Spectre called a “canopy splatter” during one merge and presented a spectacular gun camera shot in the next round, which settled the challenge.

Hero returned to his own base with his paint encrusted A8 and went immediately to
the photo intelligence section for some advice.

Three days after the event, Hero returned Spectre’s low level “Greeting Card” and accidentally blew out the windows in both the mess hall and the Regimental Aid Post of Spectre’s base, as the Focke Wolf flew low enough between the buildings to draw grass and grit into his engine intake.

Hero nursed an over-heated engine all the way back across the Channel, however before heading off (and only after 5 minutes of dodging trees and radio masts around the base), Hero dumped JG300x Christmas cards into his slip stream and littered the field. Each card was addressed individually to allied pilots then posted to the
European front. Apparently the names, ranks and serial numbers of all fliers were readily available to German intelligence sources somewhere?

One final stunt involved the release of his external tank (full of green paint) at the side of the airfield’s Ready Room. Allied personnel were busy hosing the mess off the roof before Hero’s radial engine crackled away into the distance. No one noticed Spectre pick up a small package of rolled up camera shots which were dropped (as
agreed) on the opposite side of the field. Rumour has it, that there is a picture of a crusty-looking Santa and a group of “elves” in grey tunics and goggles on the back of Spectre’s jack room door ;)

Grimmreaper's pilotlog entry:

As my squad was given the order to get ready for our patrol, I stepped outside for what
could be my last smoke.(again) hehe

I walked outside, and cold breeze blew across our airfield. As I lit my smoke, a dark
smiled came over my face. I looked up to the heavens with my eyes blaring red and shook
my head, and said, "Sorry, but this ones mine." Marching back into the barracks, I looked
at all my fellow pilots and even saw fear in thier eyes. Turning around to grab my flight cap,
I told them I was goin solo on this one. Jumping into my Spit IXC, I took off on my patrol.

Round 1 - Grimm Spit IXC vs Hangten BF 109G-6

On the 1st pass, we both fired a stream of bullets at one another, we both managed to
survive. I rolled my Spit over with flaps on full and pulled back hard, trying not to black
out. I finally leveled out on Hangtens 109G, but too late, he was out of range. The next few
passes, I would fire a short burst at 2000 feet away, and break off and try to turn on his 6
before he could get to far away. Then on one pass a dogfight broke out. I don't remember
exactly what happened, but we were trading shots, and dogfighting in close for a good
period of time, I was lucky to get a quick burst at his 7 low that took out his tail section.
Grimm 1 - Hangten 0

Round 2 - Grimm Spit IA vs HAngten Spit IXC

Once again, the round went pretty much the same as 1st. This time though, there was alot
more in close dogfighting. This time I fired a quick burst from Hangten's 6 high and
watched his engine smoke, wasn't over yet tho. The match went on for a few after that.
And finally I watched his Spit splash into the ocen. Grimm 2 - Hangten 0

Round 3 - Grimm BF 109K-4 vs Hangten Spit IXC

This time it was my time to try a lil boom n zoom. Didn't quite workout that way tho. We
both survived the 1st flurry of bullets at the pass, and a dogfight broke out. I could see
bullets whizzin by my plane, and the ocasional one would hit. I put my plane in a dive and
started extending slowly. At 2000m I pulled back on the stick and started a loop, as we
passed with gunz blazing my engine starts smokin, and one of my rear ailerons is damaged.
Luckily I had alot of alt. to kill. I started my chase as Hangten extended. Limping my plane
around, Hangten came back for a few more passes. Putting a few more bullet holes in my
wounded plane didn't help either. I could see Hangtens smile as he flew past me on the
last pass. :) Hangten 1 - Grimm 2

Round 4 - Grimm Spit IA vs Hangten Spit IXC

With these 2 planes, I think you can imagine what this round was like. A solid 10-15 mins
of dogfighting. After some nice manouvers by Hangten he slid onto my 6 and let me have
it. Hangten 2 - Grimm 2

Round 5 - Grimm Spit XIVE - Hangten Spit IXC

Again, an awesome and great round by both pilots, trading pot shots, stallin a few times :)
and just about everything else under the sun. I was able to damage Hangtens plane and
watch the smoke bellow out. Grimm 3 - Hangten 2

Great match Hangten, looking forward to another match with you, was some nice flyin back
there. S!

No609_Blacksky's pilotlog entry:

After several tries and misses b/c of different timezones, we finally managed to fly last night...and it was really worth waiting, it was one of the hardest fights i ever had with a lot of luck on my side...

Dissimilar planes

Round 1:
Mad`s choice was the spitIX, so i choose the XIV. We started as usual h2h, but Mad turned away in last second, so no chance to use the firepower of the XIV...he climbed high to loop..i did the same and we meet again on top; again no hits. Then he brakes away hoping i`ll follow, but i dont want to start a turnfight against the IX flying this brick of a plane... so i extend and try to gain some altitude and Mad follows... After a min or so i`m about 1000 feet higher and faster and turn towards him or at least i try, but at 22k the XIV turns even bader then used to, so i miss him and extend again... For the next 10 min we continue like this, extending, turning back, firing and extending again...at one point i manage to get him at climbing speed, but he gets his plane in a barrelroll and i cant turn fast enough to follow, so extend again... Slowly the engine is getting to hot,so i want to force this fight to an end, allways a bad idea, stupid as i am i start a turningfight at about 22k and for sure i force this crate in a
highspeed stall with Mad on my six firing... My only chance is to make him overshoot, so i slow down with all i have and yes, he passes me in a powerdive with about 320-350mph...thanks, at this speed the IX isnt very handy,
so i give full throttle, dive after him, he tries to turn away, but he is much too fast to cut the corner and before he slows down to outturn me again, i blow his tail and his wing away in one long burst...
Round 2:
Same planes and nearly same fight, but this time i avoid a turnfight...i dont want to make the same mistake twice, i`m sure Mad wouldn`t... After about 20 min of extending, fast passes and extending again, Mad forces me in a
loop-contest and ,lucky me, he dropes in a tail-spin, w/o a chance to recover he goes down in a long dive...splash
Round 3:
Same planes again...a short fight, we start to loop after the merge, and in the 3. loop, Mad goes over the thin line and stalls at the highest point..i try to turn to finish him, but this §&/%*#&%& crate doesn`t turn fast enough and Mad recovers...dam..so we go on looping and again Mad stalls and again! i dont manage to turn fast enough...but fair as he is , Mad gives me another try, he stalls a 3.time in a loop and this time, i`m in a better
position and blast his plane to bits..
This has been the longest and hardest fight i can remember, don`t take the result as a measure, it doesn`t match the fight.. Mad, this fight was really worth waiting till now, you are a hell of a pilot, thank you for a great fight and a lot of fun; i hope to meet you again..

Kendo's pilotlog entry:

Despite us having 8 times zones between us and an Ocean!! ggg
I drug my butt outta bed, and Bbird put on the sunglasses in his sunny afternoon...and we
met up for FUN!!!

All Flights were Simm...

Round 1 Spit 9
As we merged I could see Bbird starting to make his move...I immediately had to react
and reversed... to find myself in a tight Spin!! Obviously, I have been flying Jet simms Too
much!! I thought I was dead for sure, but Bb musta been outta posistion to take advantage.
As I recovered from the dive, I was able to lag pursue to a firing posistion, pull abit of lead
and MISS!! hehehe
I sure could use some aiming lessons!!! Next thing I know, another spin!!... again I
escape... I work around again, this time I get 1 or 2 hits.. and another spin!! Now I am
really getting upset with myself!! Again, I slowly work to his 6 and just as I am about to
fire, Bbird fly's some very nice evasives.. Too nice in my opinion I stall again, but quickly
recover.. this time Bbird is coming around hard and lead is flying everywhere!!! A few
land, but much too my luck he stalls all the way down.. Whew!!!
Kendo 1 Bbird 0

Round 2
: Hurricane

We immediately start a 2 circle flight and I am quickly getting the advantage..
Bbird starts them evasives again and I slowly loose my advantage. I try not to spin this
time while following and slowly work back into posistion. This time I get a few rounds into
him and we repeat this process over and over again! He Stalled in one of his maneuvers
and I zoomed in to explode his engine and see the prop seize as I go by!! Leveling off and
over flying him... I quickly see the folly of this mistake!! Here comes the Lead!!! WOW! I
see tracers all around me, but luckily they miss!! I try to come around to finish the job... (I
hate flying away while the other guy slowly dies, almost seems unfair..) and Bbird is still
able to stay away from me!

Bbird manages to keep the glide up for quite awhile before finally running outta Altitude.
Kendo 2 Bbird 0

Round 3 : Spit 1A

This one quickly turns into a vertical slashing fight! Up and Around we go, the advantage
is not clear yet... After abit, I am working slowly to his 6. This time though I tried a High
Deflection shot just as he was starting his moves. I got lucky and seen smoke... another
pass and Boom..Fireball on the nose. I climbed (Remembering last round ggg) and tried to
get around, before he crashed.. but he was gone..
Kendo 3 Bbird 0

The score really dont reflect the match results!! We had alot of Fun twisting and turning.
And it coulda reversed easily a few times.

Bbird, You are a fine Pilot and Gentleman! I appreciate you taking the time to play!! Enjoy
that nice weather, you lucky Canuck you hehehe

Look me up anytime and It would be a pleasure to fly again with you!

From a Frosty Canuck to a warm Canuck...
Take-off, eh!!

No609_Shap's pilotlog entry:

Yeeehaaa!!! Sobody please pinch me an tell me that I an not dreaming.

Round 1 , Wolf Spit 9 : Shap Spit 14
After merge I extend and pull up. I look back to see what Wolf is up to. My heart beats
with exitment as I see that he has traped himself by going down and thus giving me an
ultimate height advantage. I turn and dive down on him and even have enough height to
turn another 180deg to get on his 6. I think at this poit he realized his big mistake and
tries to out turm me, but it is to late I am allready in the perfect position. Ratatata...His
engine starts to smoke and I pull away as not to mess up the advantage I had. Now I have
all the time in the world to get him, so we turn a little and I try not to get into his gunsight.
I get into a good position and let a few more bullets fly. CRACK...his tail falls apart....
Wolf 0 : Shap 1

Round 2, Wolf Spit 14 : Shap Spit9
This time we swiched palnes. So now it is Wolf who extends. I do not go down, but try to
follow him as best I can with my bird. He turns and at about 2800ft distance opens fire and
hits my engine. I try to stay up and give him a fight, but in the end I hit the water.
Wolf 1 : Shap 1

Round 3, Wolf Bf 109 K4 : Shap Spit 14
It is a long fight, with Wolf doing the BnZ on me. But I do not take up his offer to go H2H
and keep well away from those deadly nose mounted cannons. At one stage I see a slight
possibility to get on his 6. Wolf is not quite far enough away from me to turn and come
back. He pulls is bird up and I manage to stick on his 6. I get his engine smoking, but he
was still alive and kicking. So I stay above him and try to get on his 6 again without
crossing in front of him so that he could use those monster cannons. Well, I did not succed
in shooting him down. In my attempt to get behind him he lost so much energy that he
finally hit the drink.
Wolf 1 : Shap 2

Round 4, Wolf Spit 14 : Shap Spit 9
Another long fight but in the end Wolf shoots of my right Wing.
Wolf 2 : Shap 2

Round 5, Wolf Spit 9 : Shap Spit 14

Long fight number 3. In the end Wolf has used up all his ammo and capitulates by leaving
the game. At first I cannont believe this and tell him that we should rematch the last game.
But he says "No. It was his own fault that he used up all his ammo and that it was only a
matter of time until he would have got shot down"
Wolf 2 : Shap 3

Grrr.... You can't do that to me and think you can get away with it.
I want to fight....I still have a lot of bullets left and I promise to give you each and every
one on our next encounter

S! Wolf, it was an honor and a pleasure to fly with you and I am really looking forward to our
next match.

Shap out

No609_OzZiggy's pilotlog entry:

Story ..the return

Cavalier, out of breath, soot blackened, dirt caked, leaf littered, and real angry watched as
the Storch came in for a shaky landing. This is it he thought, they aint gonna send me to
that hell hole Stalag luft llv34, as he pulled out his service 45 and cocked it with grim
determination. Of all the rotten luck, the base engineers picked this time to tune my
aircraft. He would have words to those brother RIP when and if he got back. The kite
didn’t handle at all like it used too, and what the hell did they do to that rudder!

The Fisler came to an abrupt halt as the pilot applied the brakes too hard at high speed.
"Geeez", rumbled Cav, "I definitely aint being taken prisoner by some dumb ass, trained as a
wet nurse, pilot like that."

With this, he took up a firing position behind a clump of trees, glad that he took the survival and evasion course Dr. Bones offered (the man had experience after all).

"What the Helluhh….", The 45 slowly tumbled from the his limp hand. Cav, opened mouthed
stared at the sight before him. The side entry door of the storch flew open and out sprang
firt a heavily wooled sheep ..followed closely by a semi naked German officer , wearing only
a his peaked cap, jackboots, boxer-shorts with a Luger belted at his waist and an Australian
flag tied around his neck hanging down like a Superman cape.

“Coooooeeeeeeee!, G,day! Cav where the hell are ya!” shouted Oz. “Whooooo Flossy take
it easy on the grass it’s a long way home”, he cautioned

Cav stood up from his crouched position; who the flaming heck was this guy. “Urggghhh
I’m over here and what’s it to you anyway”, said Cav quickly scooping up the 45 and
pointing it at the strange thing in front of him.

“That’s a bloody marvellous way to treat your rescue party mate!, Im OzZiggy of 609 sqn ,
attached temporarily to Special Operations Executive, military number 5800877! And
cobber, you look like you could do with a ride home” the last said with a sly grin.

"Whaaaaaaatttttt!" Drawled Cav.. "you kidding me right?"

"Nahhh mate I was on me way back to Britain when I heard that the famous Cav had been
downed, the airways are full of gabber about your position and all that. But as I see it we
got a problem bloke."

"Huhhh", said Cav struggling to keep up with the cascade of visual and verbal information.

"Well its like this", said Oz taking Cav by the arm and gently removing the 45 , which he
then tossed over his shoulder. "The old kites pretty full up , almost at its maximum weight ,
so ya gotta ditch everything that aint useful .. That stupid mae west has gotta go for starters.
Cmon bloke we don’t have all day!."

Cav looked over Oz´s shoulder and into the storch..the thing was packed full of crates of
Beer. “but why don’t we just dump some of those crates?"..muttered Cav.

"WHAT! Are you off your rocker! that’s Agustiner Bavarian beer man! Your lucky I don’t
shoot you on the spot for suggesting it ..now get those clothes off!." Cav started to strip
hesitantly. Meanwhile Oz busied himself doing some algebra in the sand.

“Cav?”, Oz looked up questioningly.

“Yeah Oz”, muttered Cav whilst dropping his favourite flying jacket to the ground

"How much do you weigh?"

“About 80 kg, why? WuWu said I looked fit and trim the other day..you trying to call me

“Ummm gimme a sec mate..2x12 is…. ummmm ok got it. By my weight and fuel
calculations we are going to have to drink 40 bottles of beer on our way home or we will
end up in the channel. So cheers mate and lets get going” Oz ripped open the door,
handed Cav a beer and climbed aboard, whistling to flossy who promptly sprawled across
Cav,s semi naked lap in the passenger seat.

“Cant we at least ditch the sheep?", said Cav favouring flossy with a distasteful grimace.

"Nope sorry mate that’s the RSMs pet sheep Flossy, she was taken prisoner at Dunkirk ,
your not the only one I have rescued. Hand me a beer would you ,,and for gods sake man,
smile and Drink Up!."

“Bahhhhhhhhh bah!”

“Scuse me boss” said Reggie. Goshawk looked up briefly, with a raised eyebrow from his
window view of nurse Wuwu´s fitness class.

"What, Reggie, you know I don’t like to be disturbed at this time."

"Well sir, it’s the radio tent, Sir ..you better come and hear this for yourself! .. It's getting real
crowded but you gotta do somthin boss.”

Gos sighed, he could never get Reggie to make sense when he was like this. “Oh well, lets

Gos bustled his way through a crowd of pilots. “Haven’t you guys got a war to fight or
something?", he yelled.

“Shhhhhh”, all the assembled pilots said in unison.

Now Gos could hear it, really loud and really bad singing hammering out from the base RT
set. Whoever these “artists” were: they must be totally stoned! Because no one could
fake drunken slurs like that.

"We are poorssss littzle sheeps dat hasssss lost our wayssss”,

“bahhhhh bahhhh bahhhhh”

Gos overheard Hangten say “how do they get that sheep sound to be so realistic” With
that, Gos snatched up the Microphone. “Authorize! Who is this and how did you get this
secure channel!”

“hehehehehehe its im ,,,nahh cant bez”, “lets us talk to theessss RSMssss
Gossss”…”bahhhhhh!” with that Cav and Oz broke into more song.

“My sergents major jumped from fifty thousands feet …mysss sergents majors jumps from
fifty thousands feets…mys sergent majorz jumps from fifty thousands feet… but he aint
gonna jumps no moooooreeeeee…....gorrrreyssss gorrrreys what a hell of a ways to die
…gorey gorey what a hell of a ways to die!”…….“bahhhhhh bahhhhh bahhhh!”

Theres that sheep again” muttered Hangten “they gotta have a real sheep up there with
em, Id put money on it”

“Ok…whoever you guys are… this is the USAF and this is a secure radio channel , so get
off it! ….we have sophisticated tracking equipment and can pinpoint your location and send
the MPs over to get you if we have too”, shouted Gos down the tube.

“tats greats Gos..its Cav here”, yelled Cav back down the line, “cause Ozz´s crashed our
plane when we ran out of fuelsss, and Flossy has eaten the mapbook ..cannns ya come and
picks usss up cause wezzz cant walk at all!”…Bahhhhhh!

The tent went silent. Gos stood up straigtened his tie “Ok boys lets go find em”

S! all, I'm back!

No609_Beef's pilotlog entry:

SCENE 1:The Officer's Mess

BEEF enters the Mess Hall and stops,seemingly looking for somebody.He scans the
collection of ladder pilots grazing on the afternoon meal.His head turns and stops.He
seems to focus on a group of jocks in the corner who are eating and making enough noise
to drown everyone else out.BEEF gets a determined look on his face as he makes a
deliberate bee-line towards them bumping into several people (almost sending Spectre's
tray of raw fish flying)and stops just short of the gathering."Yeah..and that BEEF guy I
challenged..I'm gonna turn him into roadkill!!..Sorta like this hamburger I'm eating!"A
chorus of laughter was followed by a deathly silence through the entire hall."You must be
Kendo"says BEEF."Uh..yeah.Can I ask who..""What you eating there?Hamburgers?What
kind of hamburgers?"BEEF interupts."Uh..Big Kahuna Burgers.."says Kendo."That's
that Hawian joint down the street right?You mind if I have a bite?"asks BEEF as he grabs
Kendo's half eaten sandwich and shoves it whole into his mouth."MMmmm!This is a tasty
burger!You're lucky.I can't usually get em cause my girlfriend's a vegetarian..which pretty
much makes me a vegetarian.You know what they call a 1/4 Pounder with Cheese on the
other side of the Channel?"asks BEEF."Um..no.."says Kendo."A Royal with Cheese.You
know why they call it that?"asks BEEF."Um..because of the metric system?"replies
Kendo.BEEF gawks.."Check out the big brain on Kendo!You're one smart
Motherf#@$%& that's right!What's in this?"BEEF asks as he picks up Kendo's near full
glass of beer."Uh..Guinness.""Guinness?Thats good.You mind if I have some of your tasty
beverage to wash this down?"BEEF asks while still half-chewing.BEEF tilts the glass and
in one long chugg he empties it and puts it on the lunch table."BrrAAAAAAPP!That hit
the spot!..You read the Bible Kendo?"BEEF asks as his eyes become cold and
shark-like."Cause I got this passage memorized that sorta fits this occasion.Ezekiel
25:17.The path of the ritious man is beset on all sides by the inequaties of the selfish and
the tyranny.Blessed is he,who in the name of charity sheppards the weak through the
Valley of darkness,for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children.And I
will strike down with great vengance and furious anger,those who attemtp to poison and
destroy my brothers.And you will know my name is the Lord,when I lay my vengance upon
the!!!"BEEF says as he reaches inside his bomber jacket for a bulging object that Kendo
had noticed only a few moments before."AAaahhhh!"screamed Kendo as he made a dash
for the door,knocking over chairs and bowling over Spectre who had stopped to watch the
commotion."Jeeze,I was only going to offer him a cigar..."BEEF says as he bites off the tip
and lights a big Cubana.

SCENE 2:The P38

Kendo and BEEF sat in their respective planes,engines idling.The word "GO!" was given
and off they went in a cloud if smoke and noise.They merged at 9,000ft and both went
verticle,flapping and turning until Kendo landed on BEEF's six.He let go a volley of
canons/mg that blew one of BEEF's engines and smoked the other.BEEF went into a
spectacular spiral death dive and bailed after his second engine gave up the ghost.

SCENE 3:The XO's Office

"BEEF!What you doing letting that Kendo guy shoot you up like that?"says XO."Well
uh..""How many planes you gonna waste until you learn how to turn fight?"XO
interupts."Well,he was flying circles around me and..""No BEEF..B&Z,B&Z..angles and
patience!How do you think you got those gongs I pinned on ya?"says boss."Well ok.I'll go
back to basics then.But I need some Asprin cause my head hurts."says BEEF."That pain
in your head BEEF,that's pride messing with ya.F&%k pride!When you're at the top and
kicking it back in the Carribean with the lovely Koko,you'll think back and say your XO
was right!"."Well can you give me your best plane for my next round?"asks BEEF."Well,I
don't know.."says boss."Come on..I want to hear you're on the Motherf@#ker and you're
sending the best you got!"proclaims BEEF."I'm on the Motherf@#ker and I'm sending
The Wolf."says boss."You sending the Wolf?"asks BEEF."Yeah,you feel better now
Pancho?"says boss."Yeah man.That's all you has to say!"says BEEF as he marches out the
office door.

SCENE 4:The FW190

Kendo and BEEF once again line up on the runway.They exchange salutes with Kendo's
being the one-fingered variety.The word "Go!" is given and away they went.Meeting again
at 9,000 ft,they merge with BEEF letting fly some cannons but missing.They both go
verticle and after several loops Kendo again seems to be getting the jump on BEEF.After
a couple of oblique turns,BEEF comes over the top and notices Kendo a little flat on his
turn.He lets the guns blaze at the small window of opprotunity and scores with a hit to the
engine.BEEF breaks off the access the situation and notices Kendo smoking and losing
speed.Kendo fires his guns in a come and get me taunt and BEEF obliges with a swooping
kill shot.He watches Kendo's wing come off just after he bailed safely,using the moment to
take a screen-shot.

SCENE 4:The Latrine

BEEF walks in to wash his sweat soaked face."Well I showed him who's boss..hehe"BEEF
mumbles to himself."BEEF!you double talkin'pork rind!I told you not to turn fight!"says
the familiar voice from behind him.BEEF looks in the mirror and recognizes the spit
polished boots sticking out fron the stall."I give you my best plane and you almost wasted
it!"says boss."Well I got...""You got lucky BEEF!"says boss"Well what can I do?He
always goes nose down and gets the advantage on me at the merge"says
BEEF."Hmm..Ok,try this.When you hear "Go!",hit full flap,split-S and climb away 180 deg
from him.If he goes for it,he'll think you're going nose down in the distance for the merge
and will lose a good deal of "E" matching your manouver."says boss."Ok Chief if you think
that'll work""BEEF,when I'm finished with you,you'll be eating danger and crapping
victory!Now get going before I.."BEEF splits before XO gets to the details.

SCENE 5:The Spitfire 1A

No salutes this time as they rip-roar into the air to the tune of those lovely Merlins.The
"Go!" is given and BEEF pulls a split-s and watches Kendo dive in his rear veiw
mirror.BEEF still climbing away waits for Kendo's E-state to level and he slowly turns
back to notice a 5K alt advantage.BEEF slowly moves in a swooping position and gets the
shot off smoking Kendo.But Kendo had timed his verical just right and smoked BEEF.But
BEEF had some E to play with and gets the kill shot as Kendo's nose goes down.

SCENE 6:The Spitfire 1A

With no time to check back with his XO,BEEF and Kendo take to the air once again.After
the said"GO!",they approach headon with Kendo doing a slight deke in the distance and
not nosing down.BEEF puts the nose down right away and levels as thay approach.BEEF
pulls up early as he notices Kendo is above and going for the dreaded tail chop.He pulls
hard and can't believe his eyes when he has Kendo in his sights.He lets em fly and lands a
killer deflection shot."Horrido!"says BEEF as he bites the end off and lights another

SCENE 7:The Pub

Kendo and BEEF are sitting at a table littered with empty pitchers of
Guinness."Well,Kendo.I gotta say..you's a swell guy to drink with.I hope you not take all
that posturing of mine to heart?I just get that way when I face a formidable turn pilot."says
a slurring BEEF."Aw shucks BEEF,it's all in good fun!Besides,I didn't think you would
see the one-fingered salute with all that cigar smoke in your cockpit"says Kendo to a
round of bar laughter."Well,I gotta go now.Got to get up early tomorrow for mess hall
duty.Seems that Spectre guy got me put on defaulters for knocking his over his
sushi."says Kendo."Hey,how did you get that BEEF name anyhow?Your mother a cow or
something?"BEEF's face goes pale at the joke about his mother."Well,I hope you're not
driving back to the barracks,you'd be better to get a lift."says a concerned BEEF."No
problem,this guy is gonna give me a ride back on his chopper."says Kendo"Ok,Zed.I'm
ready.Lets hit the road!"says Kendo to the mysterious biker.

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